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The Malaysian Education System Created Dumb Students: An Overview
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By Zulfadzli Haron
Makmal Perguruan Ibubapa
The Malaysian Education System Created Dumb Students: An Overview
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By Zulfadzli Haron
Makmal Perguruan Ibubapa

Malaysian Education System Created Dumb Students Introduction The Malaysian education system has been around for more than six decades, and it has undergone several changes over the years. The primary goal of the education system is to produce well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to society. However, in recent years, many people have criticized the system for creating "dumb" students who lack critical thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. In this article, we'll examine the various aspects of the Malaysian education system and explore why some people believe that it has created "dumb" students. We'll also look at some of the possible reasons behind this and what can be done to address these issues. The Malaysian education system has been criticized for creating students who lack critical thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Many people believe that the system focuses too much on rote learning ...
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By Zulfadzli Haron
Makmal Perguruan Ibubapa

Part 1: Explore The Nature of Thinking; The Different Types of Thinking T hinking is a fascinating and powerful human ability that allows us to explore the world and ourselves in various ways. It is not a simple or passive process, but rather a dynamic and active one that requires the use of different mental skills and strategies. Thinking helps us to understand and interact with the reality around us, as well as to imagine and create new possibilities. One of the main aspects of thinking is the type of reasoning that we use to draw conclusions and make inferences. There are two main types of reasoning: deductive and inductive. Deductive reasoning starts from general principles or rules and applies them to specific cases or situations. For example, if we know that all birds have wings and that a penguin is a bird, we can deduce that a penguin has wings. Inductive reasoning, on the other hand, starts from specific observations or facts and derives general patterns or principles f...
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By Zulfadzli Haron
Makmal Perguruan Ibubapa
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By Zulfadzli Haron
Makmal Perguruan Ibubapa
Sebagai seorang Knowledge Specialist, saya berpengalaman dalam bidang psikologi pendidikan mengkhusus kepada Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi. Tutorial saya dipanggil "Memahami Pengetahuan" . Bermaksud, ianya adalah teknik untuk MEMAHAMI apa yang DIKETAHUI. Ringkasnya, kita tidak sedari bahawa kegagalan kita untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah disebakan oleh kita kurang faham apa yang kita ketahui. Kita menjadi keliru diantara Tidak Faham atau Tidak Tahu . Inilah masalah paling besar dalam pembentukan daya berfikir rakyat Malaysia baik pelajar mahupun golongan dewasa. Apabila anda mahir dalam teknik MEMAHAMI PENGETAHUAN, daya berfikir anda sudah bersedia untuk menyerap apa sahaja ilmu pengetahuan yang hendak anda pelajari. Saya telah membangunkan modul TUTORIAL MEMAHAMI PENGETAHUAN , satu pendekatan sistematik bagi memperbetulkan cara kita belajar. Mereka yang menguasai kaedah ini dapat merasai perbezaan yang ketara; bukan sahaja untuk masa sekarang tetapi amat bermanfaat ...
Online Lecture ( STEM Education) for Teachers
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By Zulfadzli Haron
Makmal Perguruan Ibubapa